Bonnette Novak, BSN, RN, PCCN

The AACN: A Membership that Matters

Joining an organization like the American Association of Critical Care Nurses can make a difference in your career, whether you're traveling or on permanent staff.
At American Traveler, we believe continuing education and training is essential for RNs, CSTs, and all healthcare practitioners. We encourage travelers to obtain basic and advanced certifications in their area of practice. Not only does training and certification expand a traveler’s job options and earning potential, more importantly, it also improves patient care.
We’re very proud to have worked with a president of the Palm Beach County chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), Bonnette Novak. The AACN exemplifies our shared values and is dedicated to furthering the education of RNs who specialize in critical care.

How an AACN Membership Benefits You as a Travel Nurse

  1. You have access to a variety of continuing education opportunities. One of the AACN’s core tenets is education. They believe that in a rapidly changing and advancing field like healthcare, it’s imperative that nurses stay up-to-date. With this in mind, the AACN has a diverse offering of educational options, from free unlimited continuing education courses and award-winning clinical and healthcare journals -- to specialized conferences and members-only scholarships and grants of over $100,000 annually. Want more good news? Many of these offerings are available online, meaning that you can participate no matter where your travel nurse job takes you! "Healthcare is evolving quickly. New medications, new procedures, new technologies - it feels like there’s something new every single day. It’s important to keep up. At our AACN meeting in West Palm Beach, we get a monthly dinner with an education!" - Bonnette V., BSN, RN, PCCN
  2. You can network with RNs all across the country. The opportunity to meet motivated nurses from all around the U.S. is important for several reasons. First, it’s important to be connected to a network of friends and colleagues. These relationships improve mental health and help combat job burnout. Secondly, networking is an important part of problem-solving as a nurse. The opportunity to brainstorm with and learn from others who are working in critical care nursing jobs can take you from a good practitioner to a great one. Plus, with approximately 240 chapters located across the country, and over 100,000 members, you’re sure to find a community wherever your travel nurse adventures take you! > "One of the biggest perks of AACN is the opportunity to discuss challenges with other nurses. It’s easy when you’re on the hospital floor to think that you or your floor or your facility are the only ones facing challenges, but the reality is a lot of the problems facing us as nurses are nationwide, not hospital-specific. When we’re together, we can support each other and find solutions for common challenges." - B.V.N.
  3. You can obtain and maintain advanced certifications. The AACN offers an array of advanced certifications for RNs looking to take their careers to the next level. Whether you’re looking for study materials, study groups, or even just which certification is right for you, the AACN has resources to help. Sometimes they even offer discounts! "I believe in certifications. Getting a certification is not easy. You have to study and take tests that measure both how you think and what you know. If you go through that process and obtain the certification, you have initiative. And you know more, so you’ll take better care of your patients and have better patient outcomes." - B.V.N.
  4. You can gain a competitive edge. As a travel nurse, you’ll find yourself applying for many nursing jobs as you travel the country. It’s important to differentiate yourself from the other names in the stack of RN profiles. AACN membership is one way to do just that. Because the AACN is associated with continuing education and clinical excellence, it is expected that members share those goals. Furthermore, your membership demonstrates your willingness to engage with the nursing community, an important quality in a travel nurse! "As a nurse manager, I would absolutely prioritize a nurse with AACN membership over a similarly qualified candidate. A commitment to the AACN is a commitment to learning. It raises your standard of nursing." - B.V.N.
  5. You can find opportunities to volunteer. We know that many of our nurses love to volunteer and are constantly looking for ways to use their skills and talents to make the world a better place. The AACN helps match interested nurses to volunteer opportunities around the country - and around the world!
Postscript: The Palm Beach County Chapter of the AACN won the President's Award, under Bonnette's leadership. AACN President's award recognizes the chapter that best exemplifies the association’s annual theme in terms of activities and making a difference in healthcare.

Last Modified On: Mar 18, 2019

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