Nurses in a healthy work environment

Are You in a Healthy Work Environment?

A Healthy Work Environment helps nurses reach their full potential -- avoiding burnout and improving patient outcomes -- but what IS a HWE?
In order to empower nurses to reach their full potential - to help them avoid burnout and to facilitate positive patient outcomes - nurses need Healthy Work Environments (HWEs).

What is a Healthy Work Environment?

A Healthy Work Environment, or HWE, is a workplace where employees feel safe and provided for mentally, physically, and socially. According to an academic article from the ANA on HWEs, “these environments are characterized by a high level of trust between management and employees; by employees who treat each other in a respectful manner; by an organizational culture that supports skilled communication and collaboration; and by a climate in which employees feel emotionally and physically safe."
“Each one of us must take responsibility and help to foster a HWE. We as individuals should be a part of the solution to workplace problems. Whatever role we play, whatever positions we hold or specialties we practice, we need to come together and be one. We all have to stand up for what is right and use our positive voices to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. After all, nursing is not just a job, but a calling to serve.” - Bonnette V., BSN, RN, PCCN-K

The AACN’s “Healthy Work Environment Standards”

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) generated a list of goals to strive for in order to foster a healthy work environment.
  1. Skilled Communication- Nurses must be as proficient in communication skills as they are in clinical skills.
  2. True Collaboration- Nurses must be relentless in pursuing and fostering true collaboration.
  3. Effective Decision Making- Nurses must be valued and committed partners in making policy, directing and evaluating clinical care, and leading organizational operations.
  4. Appropriate Staffing- Staffing must ensure the effective match between patient needs and nurse competencies.
  5. Meaningful Recognition- Nurses must be recognized and must recognize others for the value each brings to the work of the organization.
  6. Authentic Leadership- Nurse leaders must fully embrace the imperative of a healthy work environment, authentically live it, and engage others in its achievement.

Why should I care about my work environment?

The answer to that question may seem obvious. First of all, a safe, healthy, fulfilling work environment leads to greater job satisfaction, which in turn helps prevent burnout. Nurse job satisfaction also positively correlates with positive patient outcomes. In taking care of yourself and your colleagues, you’re equipping the whole team to provide a higher standard of care.

How do I help foster an HWE in my healthcare facility if I’m not a supervisor or manager?

Even if you're not in an official leadership role -- or have no control over staffing decisions, you can take positive steps toward creating an HWE. The AACN’s first two tenets of an HWE – skilled communication and true collaboration – are skills that you can work on as a non-supervisory staff or travel nurse. Take responsibility for your own learning, seek out the guidance of your coworkers, practice integrity, and value the opinions of others. Positivity is infectious – you may be the spark that changes the culture.

What do I do if I feel I'm not in a healthy work environment?

First, communicate. If you're a permanent staff nurse, communicate your concerns up the chain of command in a healthy, respectful, articulate way (communication is the very first tenet of an HWE, remember?). If you’re a travel nurse, speak to your recruiter. Your recruiter can help you navigate through the hospital bureaucracy, as necessary, while our clinical specialists can assist you in mitigating any care concerns you may have.
It is true that some facilities are further along in their HWE journey than others. If your concerns are left unaddressed, perhaps it’s time to move on to a new adventure! Travel nursing jobs in a variety of settings could be the key to helping you see what a healthy working environment looks like -- and where you eventually want to end up, a fresh start could be just what you need.

Last Modified On: Sep 30, 2019

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