RN travel jobs in Green Bay ,Wisconsin

Explore TravelNursing Operating Room Jobs in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Earn up to $4,022/week

Two things stand out on Green Bay travel assignments: the Green Bay Packers, a world-renowned NFL team, and Milwaukee's Summerfest, known as the world's largest outdoor music festival by the “Guinness Book of World Records.” Green Bay is a sub-basin of Lake Michigan at the mouth of the Fox River, providing plenty of opportunity for water sports and activities.

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RN Operating Room Job Descriptions

RNs working in the operating room (OR) assist doctors and surgeons in the operating room and monitor patients' vital signs during surgery. They work alongside surgical teams to ensure that patients receive the best possible care and serve as liaisons between the surgical team and the patients' families. OR nurses also assess patients before surgery, coordinate surgical care, and maintain a sterile operating room. Because emergency surgeries can arise at any moment, many OR positions require that nurses take call during weekends and holidays, especially if the OR RN is working at a trauma center. Candidates for OR nursing jobs should be multifaceted, organized, and strong patient advocates. OR travel nurses earn above average salaries, full benefits packages, and are in high demand.

Travel Jobs in Wisconsin have the Perfect Combination of Relaxation and New Adventure

Wisconsin travel assignments are outdoorsy and fun. From Milwaukee, to Madison and beyond, you'll have plenty of Great Lakes' coastline to explore, along with rolling hills, forests and picturesque dairyland.

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