RN travel jobs in Yakima ,Washington

Explore School Nursing Jobs in Yakima, Washington

Yakima is located in the heart of Washington's wine country. The city offers easy access to plenty of outdoor activities. The Yakima River and nearby parks provide opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and fishing, while the surrounding areas are perfect for wine tasting.

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School RN Job Descriptions

School nurses provide healthcare to students and staff in schools. They are responsible for treating injuries and illnesses, administering medications, and providing health education. School nurses also work with teachers and administrators to develop health programs and ensure a safe school environment. Candidates for school nursing jobs should have experience working with children and be able to communicate effectively with students, parents, and school staff.

Enjoy the Stunning Outdoors with Travel Jobs in Washington

A travel assignment in Washington state takes you to the Pacific Northwest, where lush forests and national parks rule. Love mountain hikes? Or do you prefer an amble along a quiet shoreline? Washington's waiting for you!

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