RN travel jobs in Seattle ,Washington

Explore TravelNursing Dialysis Jobs in Seattle, Washington

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Seattle assignments are ideal for travelers who enjoy a variety of outdoor recreational activities and an abundance of seafood. This city lies on the coast of the scenic Puget Sound, inviting healthcare professionals to marvel at the scenic landscape that extends 100 miles to the south. You can also visit iconic Seattle landmarks such as the Seattle Space Needle and Pike Place Market.

Today's Featured Nursing Dialysis Positions

RN Dialysis Job Descriptions

Dialysis nurses focus on the condition of the kidneys and renal system. Certified dialysis nurses provide individualized care to renal patients and ensure that the dialysis equipment is working properly by successfully imitating the primary function of healthy kidneys. In order to succeed in a dialysis nursing position, professionals must be able to consult with doctors regarding a patient's overall treatment plan, interpret lab values, ascertain the physical and mental condition of the patient, and alert the physician and dialysis team of changes in the patient's condition. These nurses also educate and motivate the patient and the patient's family in methods of disease management and healthy living. Dialysis nurses may work in acute care settings or provide services to chronic dialysis patients in outpatient centers.

Enjoy the Stunning Outdoors with Travel Jobs in Washington

A travel assignment in Washington state takes you to the Pacific Northwest, where lush forests and national parks rule. Love mountain hikes? Or do you prefer an amble along a quiet shoreline? Washington's waiting for you!

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