Rehab Travel Assignments

Explore TravelNursing Rehab - Out Patient Jobs in Virginia

Rehab specialists use their training to address a variety of conditions, from helping patients regain the ability to walk after an amputation, to talking after a stroke, to being able to safely take daily medication. In-patient rehabilitation can also help people become more able to handle the basic skills of daily living, such as preparing food, home-keeping, working and driving. Rehab specialists may be required to treat individuals with a diagnosis of stroke, neurological disorders, brain injury or non-traumatic spinal cord injuries, among other conditions.

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We currently have no Rehab - Out Patient Rehab RN jobs in Virginia. Please try back, new jobs open up hourly.

Travel to Virginia for an Enriching Taste of History and Nature

Virginia travel assignments place you in the midst of American history. Alexandria, Charlottesville and Richmond are a few must-see cities. Plus, you can easily take a quick trip to Skyline Drive or the nation's capital.


A travel nurse is a highly skilled healthcare professional who takes short-term assignments in hospitals facing staffing needs. These nurses typically have a minimum of 12 months of recent clinical experience in a like setting and seek to advance their careers, salaries, or lifestyles through travel nursing opportunities. By working at different facilities across the country, travel nurses can enhance their clinical competency while exploring exciting new locations.

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