Psychiatric Nurse holding elderly lady's hand

Explore TravelNursing Psychiatric Jobs in Utah

Earn up to$/week

Psychiatric nursing jobs are predominantly in psych units of hospitals, in mental health or substance abuse clinics, through home health agencies, or in long-term psychiatric care settings. RNs in psychiatric positions counsel patients and families, assess mental health needs, and administer and monitor treatment regimens. Candidates for psychiatric nursing jobs must possess a positive attitude and a deep understanding of patients with mental illness, as well as basic life support and crisis intervention skills.

Today's Featured Nursing Psychiatric Positions

Utah Travel Jobs Guarantee Outdoor Adventures and Urban Attractions

A travel assignment in Utah is fun-filled and fantastic. It's not only a premiere skiing destination, but also full of metropolitan amenities. Come for the majestic scenery, stay for the rewarding assignments.


A travel nurse is a highly skilled healthcare professional who takes short-term assignments in hospitals facing staffing needs. These nurses typically have a minimum of 12 months of recent clinical experience in a like setting and seek to advance their careers, salaries, or lifestyles through travel nursing opportunities. By working at different facilities across the country, travel nurses can enhance their clinical competency while exploring exciting new locations.

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