RN travel jobs in Memphis ,Tennessee

Explore TravelNursing Psychiatric Jobs in Memphis, Tennessee

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One of Memphis' most popular tourist attractions is Graceland, the preserved home of Elvis Presley and a monument to rock and roll. Traveling clinicians can also stop by Sun Studios to continue their rock and roll tour, or visit the Stax Museum of American Soul Music. Looking for more history? Travelers can take a walk through the American Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s with a visit to the moving museum housed in the Lorraine Motel.

Today's Featured Nursing Psychiatric Positions

RN Psychiatric Job Descriptions

Psychiatric nursing jobs are predominantly in psych units of hospitals, in mental health or substance abuse clinics, through home health agencies, or in long-term psychiatric care settings. RNs in psychiatric positions counsel patients and families, assess mental health needs, and administer and monitor treatment regimens. Candidates for psychiatric nursing jobs must possess a positive attitude and a deep understanding of patients with mental illness, as well as basic life support and crisis intervention skills.

Travel Jobs in Tennessee Offer the Heart of the South with Music, Hospitality, and History

Tennessee travel assignments offer so many diversions, in a state teeming with history, arts, culture, and glorious scenery. From Nashville, to Knoxville and Memphis, you'll revel in this intoxicating location.

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