Interventional Radiology nurse examining x-ray images with colleague

Explore TravelNursing Interventional Radiology/IR Jobs in Rhode Island

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RNs in radiology are experienced in various diagnostic imaging technologies such as x-ray radiography, PET scans, nuclear imaging, CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRIs. Radiology travel positions are predominantly in hospital radiology departments, and many healthcare employers prefer to hire radiology travel nurses with experience in critical care, cardiac cath lab, and CCU experience. Responsibilities for these nurses include cardiac monitoring, dye and fluid administration, medication dispensation, and patient monitoring. Quite often, RNs in radiology positions liaise with patients and families pre- and post-procedure.

Today's Featured Nursing Interventional Radiology/IR Positions

Rhode Island Travel Jobs Offers Many Coastal Towns to Explore

Rhode Island travel assignments deliver the goods, from seaside attractions, to easy proximity to some of the East Coast's most exciting cities. RI may be small, but it's big on charm.


A travel nurse is a highly skilled healthcare professional who takes short-term assignments in hospitals facing staffing needs. These nurses typically have a minimum of 12 months of recent clinical experience in a like setting and seek to advance their careers, salaries, or lifestyles through travel nursing opportunities. By working at different facilities across the country, travel nurses can enhance their clinical competency while exploring exciting new locations.

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