RN travel jobs in Cleveland ,Ohio

Explore TravelNursing Psychiatric Jobs in Cleveland, Ohio

Earn up to $2,480/week

Travel assignments in Cleveland offer a mix of culture, history, and outdoor fun. Explore the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, catch a show at Playhouse Square, or enjoy a day at Edgewater Park along Lake Erie. Cleveland's vibrant neighborhoods and dining scene make it a dynamic destination.

No Exact Matches

We currently have no Psychiatric RN jobs in Cleveland, Ohio. Please try back, new jobs open up hourly.
In the meantime, explore similar exciting opportunities below.

RN Psychiatric Job Descriptions

Psychiatric nursing jobs are predominantly in psych units of hospitals, in mental health or substance abuse clinics, through home health agencies, or in long-term psychiatric care settings. RNs in psychiatric positions counsel patients and families, assess mental health needs, and administer and monitor treatment regimens. Candidates for psychiatric nursing jobs must possess a positive attitude and a deep understanding of patients with mental illness, as well as basic life support and crisis intervention skills.

Ohio Travel Jobs are Sure to Amaze with the Diverse Cities

Ohio travel assignments offer both urban excitement and outdoorsy adventures. Whether you're in Cleveland, Columbus, or a quaint farming town, you'll find good eats, fun festivals and plenty of sporty pastimes.

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