RN travel jobs in Portsmouth ,New Hampshire

Explore Travel Nursing Jobs in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

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Portsmouth is a historic seaport and summer tourist destination with homes that take travelers back to 17th-century living. "Prevention Magazine" named Portsmouth one of "America's Top Walking Cities" and the National Trust for Historic Preservation says Portsmouth is one of the most culturally rich destinations in the country, with a stimulating mix of historic buildings, sidewalk cafes, great restaurants, art galleries, jazz clubs, and distinctive artisans' boutiques.

Today's Featured Nursing Positions

Embrace Adventure and Explore Mountains with New Hampshire Travel Jobs

Travel assignments in New Hampshire offer a range of enticements: from mountain terrain and tranquil lakes, to city sophistication. Whether you're into skiing or shopping (no sales tax!), NH has plenty of diversions.


A travel nurse is a highly skilled healthcare professional who takes short-term assignments in hospitals facing staffing needs. These nurses typically have a minimum of 12 months of recent clinical experience in a like setting and seek to advance their careers, salaries, or lifestyles through travel nursing opportunities. By working at different facilities across the country, travel nurses can enhance their clinical competency while exploring exciting new locations.

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