RN travel jobs in Boise ,Idaho

Explore TravelNursing Telemetry Jobs in Boise, Idaho

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The Boise River serves as the hub for outdoor recreation in Boise. It is a popular destination for swimming, rafting, and fishing activities. Camel's Back Park is the gateway to the foothills of the Rockies, where weekend hikers never run out of new places to for travelers to explore.

Today's Featured Nursing Telemetry Positions

RN Telemetry Job Descriptions

RNs in Telemetry nursing jobs use high-tech equipment to monitor patient conditions and progress. Tele nurses typically take care of patients recently released from the ICU who are often at risk for developing complications; these nurses, therefore, must be able to take appropriate action when problems arise. Common conditions that require telemetry nurses include cardiac surgery, renal failure, COPD, sleep disorders, neurological problems, epilepsy, and cancer. Duties of telemetry nurses include careful review of the patient's vitals, maintenance of telemetry equipment, administration of medication, and communication with the patient and family. Because patients require round-the-clock monitoring, telemetry RNs often work long hours, night shifts, weekends, and holidays. Consequently, telemetry nurses are in high demand and their wages are above average.

Adventurous Travelers are Sure to Love Exploring in Idaho

Travel assignments in Idaho reveal spectacular landscapes and limitless outdoor activities. You might set up your base in Boise or Pocatello and, when you're off-shift, head out for a truly western adventure.

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