RN travel jobs in Anchorage ,Alaska

Explore TravelNursing Case Management/Utilization Review Jobs in Anchorage, Alaska

Earn up to $3,365/week

Be sure to pack your hiking boots when traveling to Anchorage. With daytime summer temperatures ranging from 55 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit, you'll have optimal weather for exploring the beautiful mountain ranges in Alaska.

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We currently have no Case Management/Utilization Review RN jobs in Anchorage, Alaska. Please try back, new jobs open up hourly.
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RN Case Management/Utilization Review Job Descriptions

Case management nurses coordinate short- and long-term care for patients as a group. The goal of case management nursing is to oversee patient care to reduce hospital stay lengths and ensure quality follow-up care to prevent readmission. Travel positions for case managers entail working with specific groups of patients such as those diagnosed with HIV/AIDS or cancer and using a "population health approach." RNs in case management may choose to focus on certain age groups of patients or settle into pediatric or geriatric specialties. These RNs must possess the skills to research and understand the latest treatments and procedures, as well as be able to work with insurance companies to help patients receive the best and most affordable care.

Enter the Land of Extreme Adventure with Travel Jobs in Alaska

Alaska travel assignments are for adventurous healthcare pioneers seeking an adrenaline-packed experience. The wildlife and terrain are fascinating in Alaska, and the opportunities for taking in awesome views are endless.

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