RN travel jobs in Augusta ,Georgia

Explore TravelNursing Pediatrics Home Health Jobs in Augusta, Georgia

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Of course Augusta is known for its golf, but there's lots for travelers to love in Augusta beyond the greens. A popular pastime is strolling the Riverwalk, a shady walkway that runs along the Savannah River. On the way, you'll pass the Jessye Norman Amphitheater, as well as the Saturday farmer's market, open from March to November. For those looking to get in on some outdoor action, there's kayaking, canoeing and stand-up paddleboarding.

Today's Featured Nursing Pediatrics Home Health Positions

RN Pediatrics Home Health Job Descriptions

RNs in pediatric jobs assess patient needs, document symptoms, record medical histories, and provide bedside nursing care to children on the floor. Additional duties of pediatric nurses are to draw blood, administer medication, and give vaccinations. Pediatric specialists may also assist a pediatrician during patient examinations. Traveling pediatric positions are predominantly in hospitals and outpatient clinics. Pediatric clinicians can seek further specialization in pediatric oncology, dermatology, or cardiology, and may be able to cross-train in PICU and NICU to increase their competitiveness in the travel market.

Experience the Best of the South with Travel Jobs in Georgia

Georgia travel assignments are becoming some of the most sought-after assignments. Find yourself in vibrant healthcare communities in cities like Atlanta or Augusta -- or head toward quieter rural settings.

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