RN travel jobs in Austin ,Texas

Explore TravelNursing Leadership Occupational Health Manager Jobs in Austin, Texas

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Nick-named the Live Music Capital of the World, this city is overflowing with live music clubs and local bands. Travel assignments in Austin feature lots of outdoor spaces, amazing southwest eateries and a pervasive zest for living in this youthful city. Austin is growing fast as is its need for healthcare travelers.

Today's Featured Nursing Leadership Occupational Health Manager Positions

RN Leadership Occupational Health Manager Job Descriptions

Nurse Manager is an RN specialty that requires contact with many levels of hospital staff in order to coordinate patient services efficiently. This RN management position requires excellent communication skills and a can-do attitude. A Nurse Manager handles the day-to-day operations, budgets, and staffing of specific units in a health care facility. The Nurse Manager will coordinate the efforts of the entire nursing team, in order to maintain quality nursing care following best practice guidelines. The nurse manager travel nurse position involves recruiting and maintaining the appropriate nursing staff to each unit or department, as well as implementing care plans for patients.

Explore the vast variety of Texas Travel Jobs in the Lone Star State

Texas travel assignments take you to the nation's second-largest state and home to three of the country's largest cities: Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. Texas' population is rising, and so is the need for travelers.

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