RN travel jobs in Asheville ,North Carolina

Explore TravelNursing Interventional Radiology/IR Interventional Radiology Jobs in Asheville, North Carolina

Earn up to $3,334/week

Asheville offers travelers world-class golfing, more than 100 antique stores and unparalleled outdoor recreation in the Blue Ridge and Smoky Mountains. Shoppers will have a blast in the city, as streets are lined with independently-owned shops, adorable boutiques, and unique galleries. For those more drawn to the outdoors, Asheville features plenty of trails for biking, hiking, dog walking, and horseback riding.

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We currently have no Interventional Radiology Interventional Radiology/IR RN jobs in Asheville, North Carolina. Please try back, new jobs open up hourly.
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RN Interventional Radiology/IR Interventional Radiology Job Descriptions

RNs in radiology are experienced in various diagnostic imaging technologies such as x-ray radiography, PET scans, nuclear imaging, CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRIs. Radiology travel positions are predominantly in hospital radiology departments, and many healthcare employers prefer to hire radiology travel nurses with experience in critical care, cardiac cath lab, and CCU experience. Responsibilities for these nurses include cardiac monitoring, dye and fluid administration, medication dispensation, and patient monitoring. Quite often, RNs in radiology positions liaise with patients and families pre- and post-procedure.

Enjoy Beaches, Mountains, and Family Fun with Travel Jobs in NC

North Carolina travel assignments are in some of the fastest-growing cities in the nation. Experience resume-building assignments in Magnet hospitals, teaching hospitals and world-renowned medical facilities.

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