RN travel jobs in San Francisco ,California

Explore TravelNursing GI/Endoscopy Jobs in San Francisco, California

Earn up to $3,400/week

San Francisco outperforms many U.S. cities in terms of recreational opportunities, public services, natural surroundings, and healthcare services. San Francisco is a highly sought-after destination for travelers, in large part due to its excellent climate, exciting culture, and endless activities.

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RN GI/Endoscopy Job Descriptions

Endoscopy nurses care for patients experiencing existing or potential GI tract problems and assist the physician in screening the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines using an endoscope. These nurses are also responsible for gathering samples during procedures and treating minor problems. Because GI ailments can arise from many sources, RNs in endoscopy may treat patients of all ages and see a range in severity of illness from very minor ailments to severe illnesses. Ideal endoscopy candidates have previous acute care experience in medical-surgical, pediatric, or critical care units and demonstrate the ability to use critical thinking and time-management skills in the workplace. RNs in endoscopy must also possess excellent technical skills.

Sample the Good Life with Travel Jobs in California

A California travel assignment offers a full range of options: gorgeous beaches to the south, wine country, and snow-capped mountains to the north. Whatever your best life looks like, you can live it in a CA assignment.

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