RN travel jobs in Orlando ,Florida

Explore TravelNursing Cath Lab Jobs in Orlando, Florida

Earn up to $3,534/week

For healthcare professionals traveling with family, there is probably no better destination than Orlando. Orlando is home to several major theme parks. But it also promises warm weather, historic sites, and cultural activities. Plus, with your central Florida location, you can easily take a day trip to the ocean or the gulf.

No Exact Matches

We currently have no Cath Lab RN jobs in Orlando, Florida. Please try back, new jobs open up hourly.
In the meantime, explore similar exciting opportunities below.

RN Cath Lab Job Descriptions

Cath lab nursing jobs are a critical part of the cardiac care unit, ICU, or cardiac catheterization lab. Cath lab RNs may scrub in for some procedures, assisting the physician during cardiac catheterizations as well as monitoring the patient's cardiac rhythm and vital signs. In an emergency, the cath lab nurse may perform CPR and defibrillation and depending on the size of the healthcare employer, may be involved in up to a dozen clinical procedures within an eight-hour shift. Travel cath lab nurses are one of the most requested and in-demand specialities. Their jobs offer exceptional pay, comprehensive benefits, private accommodations, and unrivalled support from our clinically-experienced client service professionals.

Spend Time in Paradise as a Traveler in Florida

Travel assignments in Florida will teach you the meaning of another day in paradise. Choose from Gulf Coast beaches, Orlando parks, or SoFla's international flavor, and then try another!

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