As much fun as social media has become, it can ruin your career if you’re not careful.
As much fun as Social Media is, it can ruin your travel nursing career if you’re not careful. By following a few simple rules
when conversing in online nurse forums and posting on
Facebook, Instagram, and
other networks that you share information on, nurses can freely enjoy Social Media and avoid common pitfalls. The ANA
recommends to follow their principles for the right social presence.
Avoid These Practices For a More Professional Social Media Presence:
Posting personal information. Outside of the basic online profiles nurses use to network with employers, it is
best to remain anonymous when participating in discussion groups and posting on public and private sites. Anonymity
can be accomplished by using avatars and screen names. Avoid using your real name (including just your first name)
or actual thumbnail photos of you.
Posting pictures or names of patients. Adhering to patient privacy and disclosure laws as mandated by state and
federal governments (HIPPA) is paramount to avoiding conflict and liability as a nurse on the Internet. Avoid
posting information that can potentially reveal who a patient is or where they’re being treated. When sharing
clinical information and experiences with others online, be sure not to refer to “a patient,” “the patient,” or
“patient x.” In fact, don’t refer to a patient at all; just reference the clinical action, methodology or discovery
you are sharing.
Discriminating or communicating unprofessionally. No healthcare provider wants a negative leader in the ranks,
so it’s vital to remain positive and constructive when participating in online discussion groups and responding to
other posts. Name calling, derogatory remarks, bad grammar, slang, slander, libel and hate speech must be avoided at
all costs. If you feel yourself getting heated, it’s best to log off for the time being.
**Discussing bad habits.**Here’s one that can really get nurses in trouble: a perfectly innocent night on the town
when either you or others took pictures and posted them online. Sure you had fun, but does the social media world
need to know? Moreover, don’t reveal whether you smoke, drink or take medication. Should an employer see this
information, it could work against your current or next job.
Posting times, dates, schedules or locations where you practice. When sharing clinical stories or disseminating
nurse advice and information over the Internet, never disclose where you work or who you work with or for. Don’t
discuss where a particular surgery took place or bash healthcare providers (If you have a legitimate complaint
contact the state’s Department of Health). Don’t post your nurse schedule, places to meet on the premises, or where
you want to meet others after work or during the week. You can also keep your
profiles set to private to
safeguard yourself from negative consequences.
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