Advanced Healthcare Certifications Better RN Travel Job Chances
Even though there is a nationwide workforce shortage, the best nursing jobs go to those who are the most qualified.
Even though there is a nationwide workforce shortage, the best nursing jobs go to those who are the most qualified.
That’s why Mary Kay Hull, President of Recruitment at American Traveler suggests that all healthcare professionals
enhance their qualifications with advanced and specialty registered nurse certifications.
“Healthcare facilities really value highly-educated RN travel nurses. Advanced certifications are starting to become
the norm at many leading hospitals. It can help put nurses on the fast track to career advancement leading to higher
pay and improved job satisfaction.” -- Mary Kay Hull
Advanced Certifications Open Career Doors
There are an estimated 25,500 RNs working travel nursing jobs in the United States, and the advantages for obtaining
advanced certifications are different for every healthcare practitioner. Individual motivation may be:
- To be the best that one can be in their chosen profession
- To be on the shortlist for the top travel nurse locations
- To become qualified to work at magnet hospitals, teaching and research facilities
- To become specialists in a particular healthcare niche
- To earn higher travel nurse pay and benefits
- To enhance a resume - especially for new nurses
Whatever your motivation for pursuing higher education, there are a number of choices to achieve your goals. We’ve
listed a few credentialing organizations below that can help get you started. See our detailed list of
required, recommended, and optional nursing certifications for travelers.
Nurse Credentialing Associations
The American Nurses Credentialing Center (AACC), a division of the ANA, has
certified more than 250,000 nurses since its launch in 1991. The program is recognized by all individual state boards of
nursing as well as the United States military. The ANCC offers certification for nurses, nurse practitioners and
advanced practice nurses in more than 25 specialties.
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), designed specifically for critical care nurses, offers an AACN
credential for qualified nurses. AACN credentials are renewable after three years.
Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) offers a TNCC designation in trauma care. The purpose of TNCC is to “present
core-level knowledge, refine skills, and build a firm foundation” for the different roles nurses have in caring for
trauma patients.
The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) offers 1-day course for Advanced Fetal
Monitoring certification.
Amy R., an experienced Recruiter at American Traveler, advises all travel nurses to complete the American Heart
Association’s stroke training program. Many hospitals require healthcare professionals to complete stroke training prior
to hiring, especially stroke certified hospitals. It takes just two hours to complete and may help move candidates to
the top of the shortlist.
"We strongly believe that our travel nurses should continue their education and we back that up by offering
unlimited free CEU credits to our travelers on assignment, as part of their benefit package." - Amy, American
Traveler Recruiter